Dear Skye Shadow,
I get really mad and distracted with all the chaos out there trying to get into my head. It seems like it's a constant whiplash of the media & people being megaphones to repeat the scripted negative agendas. I get triggered, then I spin out of control with emotions that can be paralyzing or destructive. It feels like something is trying to stop me from being happy & it seriously blocks me from being creative & productive. I am a marketing director for a graphic design company. There is nothing worse than feeling dread when I am suppose to be sourcing opportunities to build my companies brand. Advise? Lucy L.

Dear Lucy,
I was feeling the exact same emotions as you over the last few years. Without a doubt, we have all been pressed so hard & it's hard to not snap. But I have a secret that is working for me. How about you funnel that furry to benefit your creativity?
All that negative noise out in the external world is like a Hornet bee that stings but never runs out of venom. I found that when I am really geared up, I have an extraordinary amount of energy that needs to be released. Now I funnel that furry into projects that need keen focus or I procrastinated. The madder I am, the more projects I get done that are typically a grind or not my top favorites. My motto now is "not today Satan." Let's use that sting as a potion to benefit our passion.
Skye Shadow is of Germanic, Celtic & Iroquoian, spiritual-magical descendant. She is a Writer, Artist, Empowerment Speaker, Life Crafter & Entrepreneur Coach. Every creation tells a story transcended through her ancestral roots & other creatives willing to be vulnerable: colors to speak emotions; the crafted symbols, hidden secrets & mystical energy that uniquely speak to you.